IDY2024 Reflections: A Digital Legacy of Yoga’s Global Celebration

Idy2024 Reflections Magazine

Idy2024 Reflections Magazine

The International Day of Yoga 2024 is a global movement for health, happiness, peace, and unity. Now, we’re capturing the magic of these day in “IDY2024 Reflections,” a special e-magazine that will showcase your stories, experiences, and wisdom.

Why Contribute to IDY2024 Reflections?

  • Share Your Voice: Express your unique perspective on yoga’s impact and the spirit of IDY2024.
  • SEO Visibility: Your contributions will be easily discoverable on Google, expanding your reach.
  • Promote Your Work: We’ll link to your blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, and other online platforms.
  • Inspire Others: Your words and images will ignite passion and encourage more people to embrace yoga.
  • Create a Legacy: This e-magazine will be a lasting testament to the power of yoga’s global community.

How You Can Contribute

  1. Deadline: Submit your artefacts by July 10th, 2024. (Expected Publication – 21st July)
  2. What to Submit:
    • Article: (500-1000 words) Reflect on your IDY2024 experience, the role of yoga in your life, or your hopes for the future of the practice.
    • Message: (100-200 words) A short, personal message on what yoga means to you.
    • About You: Your name, designation, and organization/company name.
    • Photos: High-resolution images from IDY2024 events (at least 3-5).
    • Your Photo: A high-resolution headshot.
    • Social Media Links: Share your profiles to connect with readers.
  3. How to Submit:
    • Compile your artifacts in a folder labeled “IDY2024_YOUR NAME.”
    • Email the folder to with a brief introduction.

Your Support Matters

A small contribution is requested to make this project possible:

  • Students: 250 INR (India) / 10 USD (Abroad)
  • Yoga Professionals: 2000 INR (India) / 30 USD (Abroad)

Your generosity will not only fund this e-magazine but also help us organize more impactful yoga events in the future.

Join the Movement

Together, let’s create a digital legacy of yoga’s transformative power. Namaste!

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