The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga: Mental and Spiritual Health

The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga: Mental and Spiritual Health By Manvi Tyagi 3rd Year BNYS | Nature’s Tranquility

The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga: Mental and Spiritual Health By Manvi Tyagi 3rd Year BNYS | Nature’s Tranquility

Many of us have grown up knowing that yoga is beneficial for physical health. We understand that asanas improve posture and daily yoga practice brings numerous physical benefits. However, yoga goes far beyond physical wellness; it profoundly impacts mental and spiritual health, a dimension that often remains underappreciated. This article explores the effects of yoga on mental and spiritual health through the lens of philosophy and research.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes their abilities, can cope with normal life stresses, can work productively, and is able to contribute to the community. These attributes align closely with the objectives of yogic practice.

Ancient Yogic Philosophies

  • Ashtanga Yoga by Maharishi Patanjali: This system comprises eight limbs – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Dharana and Dhyana specifically focus on the mind, body, and soul.
  • Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: Patanjali defines yoga as “the union of Jivatma (soul) and Paramatma (Supreme soul)” involving self-realization and spiritual learning. The Yoga Sutra states, “Yoga is the inhibition of the modification of mind” (Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha). This means yoga aims to calm mental fluctuations to reach a state of inner peace.

Spiritual Practices and Meditation

  • Chanting ‘OM’: Samadhi Pada of Patanjali suggests deep devotion to God and chanting ‘OM’ for establishing direct contact with the divine. Regular recitation of ‘OM’ helps in overcoming obstacles and understanding one’s inner self, leading to the final state of spiritual practice.
  • Maitrī Karuṇā Mudito-Upekṣāṇām: This shloka emphasizes cultivating friendliness, compassion, joy, and indifference towards happiness, suffering, virtue, and vice, respectively. This practice calms the mind and promotes mental peace.
  • Dhyana: The seventh limb of Ashtanga yoga, Dhyana, refers to meditation, a practice of mindfulness and continuous dynamic consciousness without obstruction. Types of Dhyana include Sthoola Dhyana, Jyoti Dhyana, and Sukshma Dhyana, practiced both externally and internally.

Benefits of Yoga on Mental and Spiritual Health

Yoga’s philosophical foundations and modern scientific research highlight its comprehensive benefits for mental and spiritual health:

  • Mental Health: Yoga helps in managing anxiety, depression, and stress. It improves mental clarity, focus, and emotional regulation.
  • Spiritual Health: Spiritual practices in yoga lead to self-realization, detachment from material desires, and ultimately, moksha (liberation), breaking the cycle of birth and rebirth.

By Manvi Tyagi | 3rd Year BNYS | Nature’s Tranquility

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